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Three new preprints
2013-03-11 16:33
I have uploaded three new preprints which are submitted now for publication; they can be found in my Publications section. The first is the paper "An Observer for Switched Differential-Algebraic Equations Based on Geometric Characterization of Observability" which is a joint work with Aneel Tanwani. The other two papers are colloborations with my colleages in Benevento, Italy. Together with Carmen Pedicini, Liugi Ianelli and Francesco Vasca we have prepared the paper "An averaging result for switched DAEs with multiple modes". The paper "Regularity and Passivity for Jump Rules in Linear Switched Systems" resulted from a visit of Giuliano Costantini in Kaiserslautern (and who is here now again) and is also coauthored by Francesco Vasca.